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@purista/core v2.0.5

PURISTA API / @purista/core / Complete

Type Alias: Complete<T>

Complete<T>: { [P in keyof Required<T>]: Pick<T, P> extends Required<Pick<T, P>> ? T[P] : T[P] | undefined }

Defined in: packages/core/src/core/types/Complete.ts:21

A helper which forces to provide all object keys, even if they are optional.

Type Parameters



type A = {
 one?: string,
 two?: number,
 three: string

// without:
const x:A = { three: 'will work'}

// this will fail
const y:Complete<A> = { three: 'will complain that one and two is missing'}
// needs to be like this:
const z:Complete<A> = { one: undefined, two: undefined, three: 'will work'}