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@purista/core v2.0.5

PURISTA API / @purista/core / SubscriptionFunctionContextEnhancements

Type Alias: SubscriptionFunctionContextEnhancements<Resources, Invokes, EmitList>

SubscriptionFunctionContextEnhancements<Resources, Invokes, EmitList>: object

Defined in: packages/core/src/core/types/subscription/SubscriptionFunctionContext.ts:18

It provides the original command message. Also, the methods:

  • emit which allows to emit custom events to the event bridge
  • invoke which allows to call other commands

Type Parameters

Resources extends Record<string, any> = EmptyObject

Invokes extends InvokeList = EmptyObject

EmitList extends Record<string, Schema> = EmptyObject

Type declaration


emit: EmitCustomMessageFunction<EmitList>

emit a custom message


message: Readonly<EBMessage>

the original message


resources: Resources

Provides resources defined in service builder and set via config during service creation


service: Invokes

Invokes a command and returns the result. It is recommended to validate the result against a schema which only contains the data you actually need.


// define your invocation in subscription builder
.canInvoke<{ response: string }>('ServiceA', '1', 'test', payloadSchema, parameterSchema)
.setCommandFunction(async function (context, payload, _parameter) {
   const inputPayload = { my: 'input' }
   const inputParameter = { search: 'for_me' }
   const result = await context.service.ServiceA[1].test(inputPayload,inputParameter)