PURISTA API / Modules / @purista/base-http-bridge
Module: @purista/base-http-bridge
Table of contents
Type Aliases
Type Aliases
Ƭ HttpEventBridgeConfig: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
apiPrefix? | string | the prefix to be used if the command is configured as REST api endpoint according to the OpenAPI defintion needs to enableRestApiExpose set to true Default ts /api |
commandPayloadAsCloudEvent? | boolean | command invocations are wrapped in CloudEvent Link https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/tree/v1.0 Default ts false |
enableHttpCompression? | boolean | enable HTTP compression in web server Default ts true |
enableRestApiExpose? | boolean | expose commands as regular REST endpoints when they are configured as endpoints Default ts true |
name? | string | name of the bridge Default ts HttpEventBridge |
pathPrefix? | string | the prefix to be used for exposing commands as endpoints expecting a event bus message Default ts purista |
serve | (options : { fetch : (request : Request ) => Promise <unknown > | unknown ; hostname? : string ; port? : number }) => Server | Http2Server | Http2SecureServer | The serve function is depending on the runtime. - Bun: Bun.serve - Node.js: serve function from additional package @hono/hono-node-server - Deno: serve function from package https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts See https://hono.dev |
serverHost? | string | Host of the server. Default ts |
serverPort? | number | Port of the server. Default ts 8080 |
subscriptionPayloadAsCloudEvent? | boolean | subscription invocations are wrapped in CloudEvent Link https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/tree/v1.0 Default ts false |
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Ƭ RouterFunction<T
>: (this
: T
, c
: Context
) => Promise
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends HttpEventBridge <HttpEventBridgeConfig > = HttpEventBridge <HttpEventBridgeConfig > |
Type declaration
▸ (this
, c
): Promise
Name | Type |
this | T |
c | Context |
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• Const
puristaVersion: "1.11.0"
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▸ getDefaultHttpEventBridgeConfig(): Object
Name | Type | Description |
apiPrefix? | string | the prefix to be used if the command is configured as REST api endpoint according to the OpenAPI defintion needs to enableRestApiExpose set to true Default ts /api |
commandPayloadAsCloudEvent? | boolean | command invocations are wrapped in CloudEvent Link https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/tree/v1.0 Default ts false |
defaultCommandTimeout? | number | Overwrite the hardcoded default timeout of command invocations |
enableHttpCompression? | boolean | enable HTTP compression in web server Default ts true |
enableRestApiExpose? | boolean | expose commands as regular REST endpoints when they are configured as endpoints Default ts true |
instanceId? | string | The instance id of the event bridge. If not set, a id will generated each time a instance is created. Use this if there is a need to always have the same instance id. |
logLevel? | LogLevelName | If no logger instance is given, use this log level |
logger? | Logger | A logger instance |
name? | string | name of the bridge Default ts HttpEventBridge |
pathPrefix? | string | the prefix to be used for exposing commands as endpoints expecting a event bus message Default ts purista |
serverHost? | string | Host of the server. Default ts |
serverPort? | number | Port of the server. Default ts 8080 |
spanProcessor? | SpanProcessor | A OpenTelemetry span processor |
subscriptionPayloadAsCloudEvent? | boolean | subscription invocations are wrapped in CloudEvent Link https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/tree/v1.0 Default ts false |
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