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Version 1.6

Version 1.6
PURISTA version 1.6.0 comes with a set of new event bridges. Starting from version 1.6.0, the new MQTT event bridge supports the MQTT protocol. This is a huge step forward if you're developing solutions for IoT and Edge.

On the other side, Dapr support is now added for cloud environments. This not only includes simple deployments and usage of the core event functionality. The new Dapr-SDK provides also the integration of state, config, and secret stores via Dapr.

PURISTA now requires Node version >= 18.15. Also, the provided PURISTA packages no longer contain source map files, resulting in a much smaller size.

A very common task is, to build an HTTP adapter and call external REST APIs. For such a task, the new base class HttpClient is available, which is based on the native fetch function. Error handling, JSON decoding, timeout handling, and OpenTelemetry support are built in.

In addition, there are a bunch of improvements regarding types, and configurations, and some bugs have been fixed.

MQTT event bridge

By providing the MQTT event bridge, PURISTA is making a huge step into the IoT and edge device area. The MQTT bridge is based on the MQTT 5 protocol, which makes it possible to provide nearly the same functionality as on other event bridges.

Dapr SDK

The SDK for Dapr includes an event bridge and adapters for config, secret and state stores. This allows an easy integration into the Dapr infrastructure without touching the business logic.

Http client

The core package has some new nice helpers. With the HttpClient class, it is possible to build HTTP-based clients quickly & easily.

The HttpClient is based on Node.js native fetch.


import { HttpClient } from '@purista/core'

type LoginResponse = {
  token: string

const main = async () => {
  const client = new HttpClient({
    baseUrl: '',
    defaultHeaders: {
      'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',

  const loginCredentials = {
    username: 'user',
    password: 'secret_thing',

  // to a POST request to receive a bearer token
  const loginResponse = await<LoginResponse>('/login', loginCredentials)

  // set the bearer token for all following requests

  // make a GET request with bearer token set in header
  const restrictedResponse = await client.get('/restricted/path')

  // log the response from a protected route



This release contains a lot of improvements. By default, HTTP compression is enabled in the Dapr event bridge and the Kubernetes webserver. Configurations are now more flat to avoid too much nested parameters.

Dependencies have been updated to the most recent versions. Because of this, the plugin @anatine/zod-openapi is replaced by a own version. A lot of unit and integration tests have been added to the project.

Shout out

A special "Thank You!" to the contributors and developers of:

Thanks for your cool stuff and your help - I appreciate it!