Exporting Service Definitions
The concept of builders arises from the need to efficiently access and process information about services, commands, subscriptions, events, endpoints, and more, in a way that facilitates sharing and automation. Therefore, PURISTA offers the capability to export information from service builders as easily serializable JSON objects. These objects can be saved, shared, and processed as needed.
Exporting this information is straightforward.
import { writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises'
import { join } from 'node:path'
import { exportServiceDefinitions } from '@purista/core'
import { pingV1Service } from './service/ping/v1/index.js'
import { fooV1Service } from './service/foo/v1/index.js'
import { barV1Service } from './service/bar/v1/index.js'
const exportDefinitions = async () => {
const serviceBuilders = [pingV1Service, fooV1Service, barV1Service]
const definitions = await exportServiceDefinitions(serviceBuilders)
await writeFile(join(process.cwd(), 'defintions.json'), JSON.stringify(definitions, null ,2))
This small script exports the complete service definitions of the provided service builders. It includes information about each command and subscription, including the structure of inputs, outputs, and custom events.
The data structure looks like this:
const definitions = {
version: 'X.Y.Z', // the PURISTA version used to generate the definition
services: {
[serviceName]: {
[serviceVersion]: {
description: 'The description of the service version',
deprecated: false, // indicates if the whole service is deprecated
commands: {
[commandName]: {
commandName: 'foo',
commandDescription: 'The description for foo',
eventBridgeConfig: {
durable: false,
autoacknowledge: true,
shared: true
metadata: {
expose: {
contentTypeRequest: 'application/json',
contentEncodingRequest: 'utf-8',
contentTypeResponse: 'application/json',
contentEncodingResponse: 'utf-8',
inputPayload: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
ping: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Ping input'
required: [
title: 'ping input payload schema'
parameter: {
// ...Schema
outputPayload: {
// ...schema
deprecated: false, // indicates if command is deprecated
http: {
method: 'POST',
path: 'ping',
openApi: {
description: 'the ping command exposed as http endpoint',
summary: 'ping',
isSecure: false,
query: [
name: 'query',
required: false
tags: ['OpenAPI_TAG'],
additionalStatusCodes: [],
operationId: 'ping'
eventName: 'fooed', // The event name
hooks: {
beforeGuard: {},
afterGuard: {}
invokes: {
[serviceName]: {
[serviceVersion]: {
emitList: {
[customEventName]: {
// ...payload schema
subscriptions: {