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The easiest and fastest way to start with PURISTA is the usage of the PURISTA CLI tool.

You can use the CLI tool to create a new PURISTA project or to add PURISTA to an existing project.
Open your terminal and go to your project folder where you like to install PURISTA.

In the project folder, simply execute:

npx @purista/cli init

It might take a short time for npx to download the needed data to its temporary folder and start the CLI tool.
The CLI tool will guide you through all the necessary steps.
If you are installing in an existing project, no files will be overwritten, and it might be, that you need to do some manual steps.

It is highly recommended to choose global CLI install during setup.

You can also manually install the PURISTA CLI via:

npm install -g @purista/cli

If you have installed the CLI globally, you can add service, commands and subscriptions to your project.
In your project root simply run:

purista add [service|command|subscription] [name]