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PURISTA to Temporal

A Temporal workflow does not start by itself. There must be someone or something, which starts a specific workflow and provides the workflow input payload.
We will create a PURISTA command, which is exposed via the HTTP server, to start a workflow.

This allows us, to manually start workflows via the OpenAPI UI.

Create a command

Expecting we have a service called User, we create a command register with purista add command register.
Ensure, you allready have set up the HTTP server and OpenAPI UI.

As next step, we will need to add the Temporal configuration to our service User, to become available in our command register. We need to extend our userServiceConfig.ts

import { z } from 'zod'

// define the service config schema and the default service configuration

export const userServiceV1ConfigSchema = z.object({
  taskQueue: z.string(), 
  namespace: z.string(), 
  connect: z.object({ 
    address: z.string(), 

export type UserServiceV1Config = z.input<typeof userServiceV1ConfigSchema>

In the main index.ts, where we initiate the service instances, we need to provide the config.

import temporalConfig from './config/temporalConfig.js'

const userService = await userV1Service.getInstance(eventBridge, {
    serviceConfig: { ...temporalConfig },

Now, we want to expose our newly created command and start a workflow.
We only need to add a few lines here in registerCommandBuilder.ts

import { randomUUID } from 'node:crypto'

import { Client, Connection } from '@temporalio/client'

import { ServiceEvent } from '../../../../ServiceEvent.enum.js'
import { userV1ServiceBuilder } from '../../userV1ServiceBuilder.js'
import {
} from './schema.js'

export const registerCommandBuilder = userV1ServiceBuilder
  .getCommandBuilder('register', 'registers a new user')
  .exposeAsHttpEndpoint('POST', 'register') 
  .setCommandFunction(async function ({ logger }, payload, _parameter) {
    const connection = await Connection.connect(this.config.connect) 

    const client = new Client({ 
      namespace: this.config.namespace, 

    const handle = await client.workflow.start('onboardingWorkflow', { 
      taskQueue: this.config.taskQueue, 
      args: [payload], 
      workflowId: randomUUID(), 
    }) `Started workflow ${handle.workflowId}`) 

    await connection.close()

    return { 
      workflowId: handle.workflowId 


For simplicity, the connection to Temporal is directly done in the command on each request.
You might move this to the service via custom class.

Try out

  • start the Temporal worker with npm run dev:worker
  • in a other cli start the PURISTA application with npm run dev
  • open the OpenAPI UI

You should now be able to call the register endpoint with some payload.
The command will:

  • connect to Temporal
  • start the workflow onboardingWorkflow and pass the payload as argument to it
  • the workflow should be started and the workflow id is logged
  • the command returns the input payload and the workflow id

The workflow id is some kind of instance id. Each run of a workflow, must have a unique id.

You can add some log output to src/temporal/workflows/onboardingWorkflow.ts.

import { proxyActivities } from '@temporalio/workflow'
import type { ActivitiesType } from '../worker.js'

const { } = proxyActivities<ActivitiesType>({
  startToCloseTimeout: '1 minute',

export async function onboardingWorkflow(input: unknown): Promise<void> {

You can use the Temporal UI http://localhost:8080/ to view the workflows.